Here at GO GSA
We are very familiar with how time-consuming, and tedious getting on the GSA schedule can be. We have extensive experience with preparing, submitting, and negotiating GSA proposals to ensure that you can achieve the best results possible, without taking you away from running your business, or serving your existing clients.
Let our experienced team of tenured GSA Consultants guide your proposal through the process from start to finish to ensure that you end up with the results you desire.
what we offers to clients
- New GSA proposals: Complete, no additional or hidden charges.
- GSA Schedule modifications.
- Accurate, error-free proposals.
- Friendly, patient, personalized service.
- Unlimited telephone time.
- Unlimited e-mails.
- Unlimited questions.
- No hour time limit.
- References available.

Industries we specialize in
- Information Technology | GSA Schedule 70
- Professional Services Schedule (PSS)
- Engineering Services | GSA Schedule 871
- Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services | GSA Schedule 874
- Facilities Maintenance and Management GSA Schedule 03FAC
- Financial and Business Solutions (FABS) | GSA Schedule 520
- Security and Law Enforcement | GSA Schedule 84
- Facilities Maintenance and Management GSA Schedule 03FAC
- Scientific Equipment and Services | GSA Schedule 66
Our services include
- DUNS, SAM, WOSB and SBA registration assistance.
- Guidance with creation of the Open Ratings past performance client request.
- Examination of NAICS and SIN codes to select those most appropriate to your business.
- Supporting documentation collection and preparation.
- Detailed wording for each section of the proposal.
- Precise delivery on English grammar, spelling, syntax use and organization of thought and structure, whose collective result is the most ideal narrative possible.
- Proposal pricing strategies.
- Guidance on dealing with the GSA contracting officers with whom you will work.
- GSA proposal submission.
- Leading the negotiation phase.
- Post-negotiation finalization.
- Collecting and uploading your data to GSA Advantage.
- Marketing strategies once GSA Advantage lists your GSA contract.